高雄-汾陽餛飩Kaohsiung-Feyang Wonton

地址Address:813高雄市左營區左營大路84號813 No. 84, Zuoying Road, Zuoying District, Kaohsiung City

營業時間Business hours:AM06:00~PM24:00

電話phone:07 588 7000



On the second day of the Kaohsiung trip, since we have come to Kaohsiung, of course we want to experience the authentic Kaohsiung food. Fenyang Wonton was founded in 1953, and its wonton filling recipe originated from a Fuzhou Grandpa. Under the strict requirements of ingredients, the store has been opened for nearly 70 years.


When it came to this time, it was past the lunch time, but there were still quite a lot of guests. I heard that there is still a place on the second floor, but Coco did not go up.


The store mainly sells wontons and glutinous rice balls. You can add other ingredients at an additional price. If you are afraid of not being full, you can add winter noodles, noodles or instant noodles at an additional price of 20 yuan. The store also provides fresh takeaways.


Cutlery and sauces are buffet. If you feel that eating wontons alone is too monotonous, there are side dishes and drinks in the refrigerator for 1 USD each.


Wonton soup with rice noodles and an extra egg. Rice noodles and eggs become quite tasty after absorbing the soup.


A single order of wonton soup, the meat of the wontons is quite tender and the skin is thin. The sweetness of the cabbage paired with the slightly salty soup is very delicious.


Different from the light soup of " Qingshui Yang Family Savory tangyuan“, the soup of Fenyang Wonton is a little heavy and spicy. After careful research, I found that the original Fenyang Wonton was added with pickles and Celery in the soup. perhaps because of the pickles, makes the soup look sweet.


Before leaving, the counter was still very busy. It can be seen that the business of this store is really good. If you are a food lover and come to Kaohsiung, don’t miss this cheap food restaurant.


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