台中-背包客饞Taichung-BackPacker Meal

地址address:408台中市南屯區文心南二路396號No. 396, Wenxin South 2nd Road, Nantun District, Taichung City 408

營業時間Business hours:08:30~19:00(禮拜三休息Closed on Wednesday)

電話phone:0931 423 729

臉書Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Backpackermeal/


This is a rather individual brunch shop. why would you say so? Many shops may be characterized by good decoration and good service, but the most impressive thing about This shop has a very enthusiastic owner.


Judging from the signboard, it is easy to make people think that it is a backpacker and a bicycle inn. Don’t call to ask if there is accommodation. The boss told Coco that every time he received a call to ask about accommodation, he would be very angry.


The interior is a home-style arrangement, with a dining space arranged by different styles of furniture. This style is quite common in stores in the south, but rare in the middle, which Coco likes.


The boss once worked and vacationed in Australia, and there are many photos of travel posted on the walls of the store, which shows that the boss is a travel enthusiast.


In terms of current prices, the things here are not expensive. The boss said that the price here cannot be said to be the cheapest, but the quality is definitely good. Meals are cooked to order, requiring long wait times.


The Belis chili sauce highly recommended by the boss is low-fat and low-calorie. It is said that it is very suitable for fitness and sports players in the process of losing fat. If you have a favorite flavor, welcome to buy.


The store manager Qiqi, the fat and short Corgi who is responsible for attracting customers, is quiet and well-behaved. here is a pet-friendly space recommended by Taichung City Animal Protection and Epidemic Prevention Office. If you have furry children at home, you are welcome to bring them to the store. The manager will assist in taking care of your furry children during meals.


The store also sells ear-hook coffee pods. The hanging ear drip coffee bag has the advantage of being easy to carry, and allows you to taste freshly extracted original coffee at any time.


Fish combo, tuna, chips, lettuce, bread, scrambled eggs are very light ingredients, not heavy burden on the body. It is very suitable for girls.


The signature combo in the store, my gluttony. In addition to the different bread, the biggest feature is the cooking method of bacon and eggs. Cocoa is the first time to see this combination, which is quite unique.


The salty taste of bacon is paired with the tenderness of soft-boiled eggs. Compared with the usual separate eating, the taste has improved to a whole level. Very common ingredients, different cooking methods show different tastes. If you are lucky enough to visit, don’t miss it.


Under the strong recommendation of the boss, be sure to try the very powerful chili sauce. Because coco can’t be too spicy, this task is left to you to try. END


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